Just Write!
A Podcast for Indie Writers & Readers
Click through the upcoming episode list and listen to the first few episodes from later last year. New content coming soon with new friends!! Got a topic idea? Drop it here.
Ep 3: FAvorite genres to read/write
I'll introduce you to one of my writing friends and avid readers (as many of us are). We'll discuss the books we love to read and write as well as what goes into writing in our preferred genres. We might even fangirl a bit. Who knows?
Ep 4: inspiration: where does it come from?
This episode will dive into inspiration, it's many forms, and how I use it in my favor because it's not always constructive. I'll also talk about what not to do.
Ep 5: from idea to novel
How do you know if your story idea is good enough? What are some of the key elements your story should have before it turns from an idea into a book? I'll dive into these questions and more and maybe even some good advice.
ep 6: the writing process
Join me and another one of my friends as we discuss the writing process. What we learn is that there is no right or wrong way, but rather a way that works for each of us. We might also talk about some of the issues we have encountered in the indie world about this very thing and likely some bad words will be said. You've been warned...
I'll have a friend join me to discuss world building and all the deets. What's good? What's bad? What's ugly? Ultimately, when/who should consider world building? So many questions!
ep 8: character building
This show I discuss creating realistic characters, determining who needs a backstory, and creating relatable and believable villains.
Like what you hear? Be sure to donate to the cause! Your donations don't only help me create content, but also to expand and bring you merch in the future! Also, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to local libraries, school literacy programs, and NaNoWriMo.org!