When I started writing this post tonight, I was prepared to come out swinging with bold statements and statistics, etc. Then, I decided it was probably to worst thing for me to do right now, and decided to instead discuss what you come here for: books and bookish things.
I don't like to discuss politics and other current events too much, mostly because I don't want to impose my will onto anyone else, but also because I don't think it's fair to make people choose between my beliefs and my work. So, let's all forget about the craziness of the world right now and talk about something fun! If you're not following my on IG (you totally should, btw) I've been posting frequently about my #wordcountgoals. I'm planning to keep going with this until I finish Blood Promise, which will hopefully be in about two weeks. Then, it will be off for editing and I'll be moving on to my next project. Phew! EXCITING NEWS!! Falling Undercover is now available for PREORDER!! You will be able to read it on November 23, just in time for some holiday comfort reads to go with the comfort food!! I couldn't be more excited to be bringing this brand new genre into the fold and see where it takes me. I have a bit more work to do in order for it to be presentable, but I have no doubt it will be, at the least, moderately entertaining (lol). There are so many more projects I have in the works and ideas that are constantly flowing, I honestly which I could just pull the info from my mind without needing to go through the painstaking process of ACTUALLY writing it. I already know all the details in my mind -- it's just so inconvenient to have to type all that shit out. (Am I right?) In all seriousness, I've got some good stuff going on and I'm reinvigorated for this new chapter in my life and career (pun only slightly intended). I'm looking forward to more trade shows in the coming months as well as some local signings and readings. There is just so much to plan!! Off I go to get some more words in tonight. 'Til next time!! Lisa xoxoxoxo
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Hey hey hey!! I don't know about you, but I'm SOOO happy that summer is nearly behind us. I live in the Southern US and it's been HOOOTTT!!! Fall weather means sweaters, boots, hot cocoa, beanies, gloves...lawd I'm getting all giddy!! It's also prime time to get some books published because...um...HOLIDAYS!! So, I've got some new goals as I'm closing out the year...
Obviously, the first order of business is to release some new books. Luckily, my next book should be released next week!! I've got a cover in progress right now, editing that's finishing up, and then I'll be ready to click that button!! Thea's Reawakening is a novella length story that will be part of an ongoing series. I'm not sure at this moment just how many books it will encompass, but I feel it will be a great side project for me. Keep at look out for that release!! Over the last week, I've been documenting my progress toward my #wordcountgoals on Instagram. This is my way of trying to hold myself accountable to get Blood Promise finished in time. I have about six weeks to finish it and get it edited before my deadline and I'm SWEATING! I mean, I'm good, but I'm not sure I'm that good. Phew. I'll be putting Falling Undercover up for preorder in the next few weeks, too! It will be a good, cozy romantic suspense novel to keep you warm as we head into the cooler weather. I don't know about you, but steamy romance always warms me up (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). I'm hoping to release it around Black Friday so be on the lookout for that link, too!! Perhaps my biggest feat is to get another title published before the end of the year. NaNoWriMo is coming up in November, which could be a great way for me to crank out the next novel. I'm thinking of a witchy tale (must be the season) to scratch my itch. I might have to post some of my notes and see what you guys think! (check out my social media for that yo!) Do you have any goals for your projects? Is there something you've always wanted to do, but have always been afraid to try? It's never too late to follow your dreams! Do what makes your heart happy and the rest of it will fall into place. It does take some hard work, but if it really matters to you, you'll make it happen! Til next time!! Lisa xoxoxoxo |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024