Welcome to the jungle!
Life sure has been crazy around here! Between full time work, part time work, writing, momming, and trying to sleep, I've got a lot going on these days. Most recently, I've put a lot of effort into exploring Instagram and networking with other authors and readers alike. It's been a fun exchange, but it can be quite the rabbit hole! I've also made some updates to the site and added some new stuff. I'm not a pro by any means, but I try to do what I can, where I can. I've managed to keep things updated for the most part, so I guess I'm doing alright. Soon, I will be enlisting some help so I don't forget to post blogs like I have been the last several months. Whoops. I've made some decent progress on Blood Promise and I've lined up some beta readers to help me after it's finished. I would pay for editing, but I'm poor so I've got to work with what I can for free. It's not ideal, but it usually works out fairly well. Some of the readers know me personally, but the majority are fresh faces and eyes which is so great to have after all this time. People tend to become bias after a while. I'm also excited to embark on a new project soon that will be an exclusive to Wattpad. I plan to begin working on it this Fall/Winter and I will likely update chapters every few weeks until it's done. I may change my mind fifteen hundred times, that's the goal anyway. I don't think I have much else in the way of updates. Head of to IG and follow me to see what's going on regularly and once I get my assistance up and running, you'll be seeing much more consistency from me. Thank you so much to those who've joined in the conversations and also supported me. Please remember to leave a review on whichever platform you choose. Reviews are a rare commodity these days. Share the love!! xoxoxo Lisa
Alas, here I am, several weeks/months later and I'm still stuck in a reading rut. Somehow, I've managed to download several different types of books, only to be utterly disinterested by the end of the first chapter. I just haven't found that book that's pulled me in and transformed my world. It's annoying and something I've been having a hard time kicking. Perhaps the worst part is the fact that the lack of reading material has stunted my writing goals. I have a book I've been trying to finish for MONTHS and part of the problem is that my head just isn't in it as it should be. Damn this chaotic mind!
So here I sit, trying to muster up the story that has been knocking at the back of my brain for the better part of the last year. I've outlined some parts, flash written others, to no avail. I've even had one of my betas read through it because I feel so disconnected, I wasn't even sure if anything I've written has made sense. I need a saving grace, here. In the meantime, there are other books available for everyone to read, including the newest Falling Undercover novel. I've decided to continue that story as part of The Undercover Series and I've already gotten parts of the next book hashed out. It will be an interesting journey for me as this series is my first attempt at contemporary romance/romantic suspense. It seems I have a bit of a knack for it, so I think while the story has a good direction, I'll continue. I have another potential story along the same type of genre lines, I just don't know much about it just yet. Maybe I can do a stand alone for once! WATTPAD UPDATE: This year, I will begin a story/novel for Wattpad only. I have my PA working on some info for me to get started, and I'm pretty excited! I'm thinking maybe a witchy read with some real world elements and lore as well as the typical fantasy ones we know and love. I hope to have this started by the summer. I will definitely keep everyone posted on that, but in the meantime, head over to follow me on Wattpad for updates when I post new stories, etc. Lastly, don't forget to follow me on social media! I'm much more active on Instagram than any of the others, but feel free to follow me everywhere! Head over to find out where you can find me on the web... Hey hey hey!! I don't know about you, but I'm SOOO happy that summer is nearly behind us. I live in the Southern US and it's been HOOOTTT!!! Fall weather means sweaters, boots, hot cocoa, beanies, gloves...lawd I'm getting all giddy!! It's also prime time to get some books published because...um...HOLIDAYS!! So, I've got some new goals as I'm closing out the year...
Obviously, the first order of business is to release some new books. Luckily, my next book should be released next week!! I've got a cover in progress right now, editing that's finishing up, and then I'll be ready to click that button!! Thea's Reawakening is a novella length story that will be part of an ongoing series. I'm not sure at this moment just how many books it will encompass, but I feel it will be a great side project for me. Keep at look out for that release!! Over the last week, I've been documenting my progress toward my #wordcountgoals on Instagram. This is my way of trying to hold myself accountable to get Blood Promise finished in time. I have about six weeks to finish it and get it edited before my deadline and I'm SWEATING! I mean, I'm good, but I'm not sure I'm that good. Phew. I'll be putting Falling Undercover up for preorder in the next few weeks, too! It will be a good, cozy romantic suspense novel to keep you warm as we head into the cooler weather. I don't know about you, but steamy romance always warms me up (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). I'm hoping to release it around Black Friday so be on the lookout for that link, too!! Perhaps my biggest feat is to get another title published before the end of the year. NaNoWriMo is coming up in November, which could be a great way for me to crank out the next novel. I'm thinking of a witchy tale (must be the season) to scratch my itch. I might have to post some of my notes and see what you guys think! (check out my social media for that yo!) Do you have any goals for your projects? Is there something you've always wanted to do, but have always been afraid to try? It's never too late to follow your dreams! Do what makes your heart happy and the rest of it will fall into place. It does take some hard work, but if it really matters to you, you'll make it happen! Til next time!! Lisa xoxoxoxo Here I am again, doing exactly what I said I wouldn't - disappearing into the realm of reality. I know, how dare I. Just when I was making amazing progress, life had to kick me in the arse. Isn't that just typical?
To recap what has happened over the past few months, I ended up running into some health issues. Luckily it turned out to be nothing major, but I never want to be in the position where I am faced with my mortality at such a young age (I'm only 31!) ever again. For a few months, I was teetering on the "is this cancer" edge only to come out on the fortunate side of the results. I was lucky where far too many are not, and there's no guarantee I'll always be cancer-free. At this point, I'll take what I can get. At this point, I'm focusing on moving forward. I've got a lot on my plate, but with some hard work, dedication, and intense scheduling, I have faith that I can get back on track with my health and everything else I've got going on. So where do I go from here? I think that's the million dollar question. Where do I go from here? First, I will be setting deadlines for my next two books to be released in the next three to four months. I am sending out for cover art and some additional ads before the end of this month as well as finishing the rough draft on at least one of the two. You should see Thea's Reawakening and Falling Undercover come out before the end of the summer! So where does that leave Legacy of Secrets?? While it is still unfinished, it is coming along. Blood Promise will be my third release this year, likely this fall, and I will then be aiming at beginning Shattered Secrets. I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure if Shattered Secrets will be the end of the series for good, but it will be where the story will end for now. Their world exists within mine, so you never know when they'll decide to tell me more tales. Lastly, I have to work on my long awaited science fiction novel. This Stephen King meets M Night Shyamalan lol. Ruination will be an epic tale and equally exciting and terrifying. It's going on be one of those books that I will have nightmares while writing, but it will be absolutely worth it, in the end. I'm hoping to release Shattered Secrets and Ruination next year as they are both large projects. I might have a few smaller works here or there, but only time will tell! I'm working on my online presence and social media posts. Look out for more updates on Instagram as it is the easiest platform to "see" me these days. Keep an eye open for regular stories and exclusives only on IG. If you don't follow me, you should be! Check ya next time! Lisa xoxoxo Let's face it, life hits us with a ton of shit sometimes and all we can do is grit our teeth, clench our fists, and mow through the days. Is it easy? No. Is it fun? Hell no. But it is life and sometimes you have to decide how you're going to face it; head up and fast or head down and slow. I'm a head up and fast kind of person, which is exactly why I've been out of the game for so long.
In a very short period of time, a lot of things kind of fell apart and together simultaneously. Getting married, getting pregnant, getting sick, being on disability and bed rest due to the pregnancy, getting better and going back to work, having the baby, being on maternity leave, going back to work and dealing with the sleepless nights that come with a new baby, and now dealing with having a toddler again after eight or so years and maintaining my other kids, as well. My older two sons are great with their little brother, but mom is still a tired mess because working full time and sleeping around four or five hours a night kicks my ass. But...I'm alive and kicking and doing what I've gotta do in spite of it all. I know this phase of his little life will go by quickly, so all I can hope is that I will be able to maintain momentum. One thing that has happened, though, is my continued and ever-growing struggle with my anxiety. I absolutely love my children with every fiber of my being, but there are only so many times I can restart the same three or four movies on Netflix or read the same cardboard books before my brain starts to melt inside my skull and I'm left with pudding between my ears. I have been so focused on giving everything as needed that I haven't taken the necessary time for myself and my mental health. I have had several break downs and mood swings have been a regular thing. My poor husband has endured, although I'm sure there have been plenty of times he wished I came with a mute button. Oh well, it's what he signed up for. So recently, I've decided to slowly step back into the things that made my mind happy. Reading, writing, imagining, creating...all of those things were like breathing for me for so long and I have mostly forgotten it all. You'd think with having as much time off as I did, I would have made progress, but nope (lol). The monster on my back got the best of me and instead of keeping it at bay by feeding my creativity, I let it feed every single ounce of self-doubt and self-loathing I possess. Needless to say, it's been an interesting and not exactly fun ride and I'm ready to move forward. Luckily, many of my previous contacts in the blogging and writing communities are still valid so I've managed to pick back up where I left off, mostly. I've lucked out and actually had some new folks jump on board and join my Beta Readers Group to help me with future work! It's exciting to meet new people so eager to help me and I have to admit that I'm feeling the new author jitters again! It feels like the first time, y'all!! My goals are big for this year, but I'm confident that if I stick to my guns, I'll hit them with little trouble. Firstly, I will be publishing a completely different work Falling Undercover. It's a romantic suspense novel and something exceptionally different from LoS, but it's very exciting! I'm not sure if it's going to have any serial aspect, but I'll probably leave it open enough for the possibility later. After that, I'll be releasing a retitled and revamped work Thea's Reawakening. This novel will kick off a type of shifter series that will be a side-project for when I need a fun little to-do. Likely, these will be shorter novels, but novels none the less. I don't know if they'll all be connected yet, but wouldn't it be fun! I'm thinking something along the lines of Terry Spear's The World of Fae novels (which I absolutely LOVE). Lastly, but certainly never least, I have some pretty massive work ahead to finish on Legacy of Secrets. Guys, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know exactly how many books I have left. It could be three, it could be four, but I'm hoping for the latter. Not because I don't want to keep the story alive, but because I have other stories BEGGING to be written and I'm not very good with multitasking my stories. It's been WAY too long since I've released something as it is, I don't want to have another three or four year hiatus because I'm trying to perfect the story. However, I can't push it because then the story will be shit and I can't have that either! So, I just ask you be patient with me and know that I will be doing my best to tie up all the LoS loose ends and do the story some justice.www.amazon.com/Lisa-Logue/e/B007FG4XCI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1520998961&sr=1-1 I think that's all I've got for now. I'll come back in a few days and write something else while I procrastinate from the writing I should be doing (HA!). Good night all and don't hesitate to drop me a line or even join my beta group I've linked above!! xoxoxo -Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024