It seems like just last week when we ushered in 2022 collectively hoping it would be better than the previous years. Personally, this year was full of much growth, learning, and healing on a personal level. I've set and met my goals, read a lot of books, attended therapy, managed my health and wellness, and overall tried to do better. Some of that energy carried into my professional life, which has helped me make new connections and grow my network, which is so important in the indie author world. I've been so thankful to have met some wonderful people who are so fucking talented it's insane! I'm learning so much about this new bookish world—although I'm still behind the curve a bit.
As far as 2023, I've got plans! Currently, I'm working on a revised version of my bestselling Legacy of Secrets series. It will be completely rebranded, reimagined, and rereleased. If you read LoS, you'll be familiar with the characters and some of the story, but the new version is darker, grittier, and spicier than the last and I'm stoked about it, if I'm being honest. While it's been a labor of love, I'm committed for this version to be the last, which means the series will finally have a conclusion after all these years! *crosses fingers* I also plan to have Falling Undercover revamped and released, though it will remain largely the same apart from new editing and some added scenes. This is currently being reviewed with my publisher and once it's been completed, the new version will be available first on KDP and then widely through retailers. The sequel, Loving Undercover, will follow later next year and there may possibly be a third installment, though that is still TBA as I'm not sure how far Kris and Joe's story will go! Shifter Tales will also be getting a bit of a face lift as NLM works through my catalog of books. Currently, there are about seven novels/novellas planned for the series, Thea's Reawakening will be the first to be released and Layla's Vindication will follow. Several more titles will be added between 2023 and 2024. Updates will be in my newsletter. There are so many more projects in the works that I can't wait to announce, but they're not quite ready for that stage just yet! Once I get the green light to discuss future projects, I'll spill the beans because I can't wait to tell everyone! I really hope you all will be as excited as I am! I'll be posting again soon (no seriously, I will!) xoxo Lisa
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The fire under my ass must be massive to propel it anywhere and I'm reaching out to share it with those who care to partake. I mean, what good is motivation if you don't use it to help someone else every now and again? Of course, I'm not motivating you in the same way a personal trainer might, but I'm going to motivate you in the sense that I'm going to share all the dirt we writers don't often talk about while also reaching my goals because #goals is a thing and we should all be striving for success. Here's what's on the menu: Thea's Reawakening releases October 31st! Originally, I had planned on releasing Blood Promise, but it was just not in the cards this month. I don't want to rush the story, so instead I'm bringing you a BRAND NEW story! You can preorder it now for $.99 and it will also be available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! NaNoWriMo kicks off November 1st. I might go live on IG here and there to discuss my "process" (which is code for procrastinating because I'm regretting actually sitting down to write). I have no idea if I'm going to write something new or just finish the next book. One way or another, I'll jump in and try to win it this year. Falling Undercover releases November 23rd! That's right, another release!! This book is (currently) a stand-alone romantic suspense novel. The first contemporary romance type of genre I've written, but it's been fun! I'll be putting on the finishing touches and getting it out for those cozy nights when you need a good book to hold you tight. ;) Blood Promise looks like it might drop for a Christmas release, so be on the look out for that update. Legacy of Secrets is so near and dear to me, I just can't rush the release. The last night I'd ever want is to skimp on the story for the sake of a deadline. Stay tuned -- it's coming! Print copies of all my books are in the works. I'm working on formatting and cover art for all the books and plan to start releasing some after the first of the year. This will put these books in the hands of customers who still enjoy the scent and feel of prints (and who could really deny that?) and I'm pretty excited about it! I might end up shipping out some signed copies so stay tuned for that, too! Legacy of Stories has been a work in progress, but I'm working on it! I've been sick off and on the last few weeks which has made it increasingly hard to record unless you want to listen to my coughing the entire way through. I don't even want to listen to that if I'm being honest. I do have some guest friends planned to come on the show in the coming months so that's pretty exciting, too. Please be patient while I try to get well enough to record and I look forward to bringing you more chapters and friends! I think that's all I've got tonight. Until next time!! Lisa xoxoxo Hey hey hey!! I don't know about you, but I'm SOOO happy that summer is nearly behind us. I live in the Southern US and it's been HOOOTTT!!! Fall weather means sweaters, boots, hot cocoa, beanies, gloves...lawd I'm getting all giddy!! It's also prime time to get some books published!! So, I've got some new goals as I'm closing out the year...
Obviously, the first order of business is to release some new books. Luckily, my next book should be released next week!! I've got a cover in progress right now, editing that's finishing up, and then I'll be ready to click that button!! Thea's Reawakening is a novella length story that will be part of an ongoing series. I'm not sure at this moment just how many books it will encompass, but I feel it will be a great side project for me. Keep at look out for that release!! Over the last week, I've been documenting my progress toward my #wordcountgoals on Instagram. This is my way of trying to hold myself accountable to get Blood Promise finished in time. I have about six weeks to finish it and get it edited before my deadline and I'm SWEATING! I mean, I'm good, but I'm not sure I'm that good. Phew. I'll be putting Falling Undercover up for preorder in the next few weeks, too! It will be a good, cozy romantic suspense novel to keep you warm as we head into the cooler weather. I don't know about you, but steamy romance always warms me up (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). I'm hoping to release it around Black Friday so be on the lookout for that link, too!! Perhaps my biggest feat is to get another title published before the end of the year. NaNoWriMo is coming up in November, which could be a great way for me to crank out the next novel. I'm thinking of a witchy tale (must be the season) to scratch my itch. I might have to post some of my notes and see what you guys think! (check out my social media for that yo!) Do you have any goals for your projects? Is there something you've always wanted to do, but have always been afraid to try? It's never too late to follow your dreams! Do what makes your heart happy and the rest of it will fall into place. It does take some hard work, but if it really matters to you, you'll make it happen! Til next time!! Lisa xoxoxoxo Hey, hey, hey!
Don't mind me, I'm lame... So last week I was a bit under the weather, but I did manage to finish my next release! Thea's Reawakening is in editing currently (as my independent beta readers are working on it right now) and I'm hoping to release it in the coming weeks. I've got some graphics to be drafted shortly and then I'll be off to publish! Keep an eye out on social media for updates! I posted a new episode of my story podcast today. My goal is to post a few chapters every Monday and even have some guests! My next guest is a good friend and beta reader, Julie O'Dell. She's an avid reader and loves all things literary. We're going to talk about some of my books, some of her favorites, and just some general bookish nonsense! I'll post more as we hammer out the deets. A little secret...I'm not very interesting. I work a lot and kill a lot of time doing nothing or I'm spending time with my family. Writing and reading tends to be difficult sometimes. However, I'm working on my half-year resolution by writing an hour a day. It's hard, but as soon as I'm done with this post, I'll be cracking out some words (hopefully). Do you have any writing or time management tips? I'm all ears! Drop me a line and let me know what your secrets are!! ...til next time! Lisa xoxoxo I wish I could say that I was the most organized person and was on track with all of my plans, but I'm not. Being a working mom with three kids and school just starting and extra curricular obligations, I'm lucky to sleep some days. I'm doing my best, though, and I'm trying really hard to stick to my initial plans. That being said, there aren't too many updates, but I'm here to tell you what little there is, if you really want to know. Ultimately, my goal is to adhere to my release schedule as well as to add some fresh stories to the roster. I have plans to release some short stories on Wattpad, but I need to finish my upcoming releases first. I can't work on those and new stories at the same time because I'm just not that good, to be honest. I have a hard enough time finishing one story! I hope to, one day, be the type of writer who can write multiple stories at once, but I'm just not there yet. So I did a thing...
Aside from that thing, my next release will be Thea's Reawakening. My graphic artist is working on the cover currently so once that's done, we'll be on track for release in a few short weeks! The Shifter's Tales will be a series based around this particular group of characters and the world in which they live. Not all stories will be immediately related, but they'll definitely tie in together at some point. Well, I think that's all I've got for you today. Look out for the next episode of my podcast Monday and the upcoming release. I'm more active on Instagram these days and will likely start going live there periodically so look out for that, too. I've made some half-year resolutions (another blog about this coming this week) to be and do better, so you should start hearing more from me once I get my schedule finished. Thanks a bunch for all your support over the years! xoxoxo Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024