Hello out there to all my friends! I hope your Thanksgiving left you fat and happy and perhaps even a little tipsy! If you were not able to have a traditional Thanksgiving for any reason, just know there are those of us who were thinking of you and hoping next year will be filled with all you need and want. Everyone's holidays should be filled with good fortune and fun, so let's try to do something to help out those who may be less fortunate than we are every chance we get!
On to the news! Falling Undercover debuted today and I couldn't be happier with the reception! Thank you so much to all those who've purchased it so far and I hope you enjoy it!! It was definitely a labor of love and I'm already getting requests for the next book in the series, which I've not even started writing yet! I will be putting together my release calendar for the next year soon so everyone can see when to expect their faves! I'm humbled by all of you for helping me live out my dream. I'm hoping to release Blood Promise by Christmas (two months late, I know). Initially, my October release got pushed back due to my being sick, but then I realized I had some preorders setup and I needed to get those out of the way first. I'll confirm the release date as soon as I am able to get the manuscript finished. I was about halfway done before I had to step away, so it shouldn't be much longer. Cross your fingers for me! All in all, I couldn't be more pleased with how things have turned out this fall and I hope you all have been hanging with me through this craziness! Thanks again for your support and I'll keep 'em coming! Lisa xoxoxo
So there's this on the web, I'm not sure if you've heard of it, called Wattpad. This particular website is a place where readers and writers can engage, similar to other social media outlets. What makes Wattpad unique is that you can reach your audience and get feedback before self-publishing or pitching your title to a traditional publisher. What's pretty amazing about the site are the authors who've received publishing contracts due to their popularity there alone. It's definitely an untapped resource!
Now, as an author, it's a bit painful to put work into something and have it available to be read for free, but honestly, we give away so many copies of our work a year, it's really no different. I mean, the whole goal is to grow in your skills and your audience and Wattpad offers that option. But just like anything else, it takes work and dedication. Nothing ever happens over night. The reason I bring up Wattpad is because I'm going to start posting short stories and other projects there every other week, at least. I have a ton of ideas for projects, but most of them are just for fun or to help spark my imagination. I feel having these works in a place where they might bring some of you joy makes the most sense. While I think all of us budding authors have dreams of one day hitting it big, I write because I love it, not because I want to get rich. The content I have on there is old right now, but I will be updating it soon so keep an eye out for that post. Hopefully, I'll get a good anthology of short stories going and I'll publish it once I feel I've done enough damage! Click the link below to jump to my Wattpad profile to read my work and follow me!! |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024