Back in 2008, I made the leap to self-publishing my very first book, Cursed Secrets. Independent publishing was hard - like really hard back then. To be taken seriously as an indie author, one had to make it look like the book was published by one of the "Big 6" houses–this meant professional covers, editing, formatting, etc. It took a lot of work, money, blood, sweat, and tears to make an indie book thrive. There were some who made it and were rock stars to the rest of us because it showed we could do it, too. I thought I could. I was well on my way to a career I'd always wanted, but life got in the way big time.
A little over 10 years later, and I've not accomplished nearly what I thought I would, which is okay. I've had a lot happen in 10 years that has made me into who I am, but that also means I have to face the things I didn't get the chance to accomplish before. As in, I need to realize that while I did publish a book, as I'd always dreamt, I didn't fully realize the potential and so I did myself a disservice. Now, I'm taking control over that dream and recreating it into my current reality. So, in the coming months, I'll be releasing new anniversary editions of all the Legacy of Secrets books, including some new titles never before released! All Legacy of Secrets books will be available for preorder soon! Keep an eye on the upcoming newsletters and social media to learn when you can order your copies of the new versions. Previous versions of LoS have been removed from Amazon and will not be available for purchase/download until the new versions are available. Rest assured, you'll fall in love with the characters all over again! Are you ready for a new book boyfriend/girlfriend? Be careful what you ask for. ;) Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to get these types of updates before ANYONE ELSE!!
For many, many years, the world behind Legacy of Secrets has only existed in my mind. I wrote the series long ago, when I was in my early twenties, and decided to publish it since I loved it so much. If I had known then what I do now, it wouldn't quite need a face lift. So, here we are! So what does the world actually look like? What are all the characters? Where do they come from? What do they do? How do they live? How did the world come to pass? What is the legacy of secrets, exactly?
All of these questions will be answered and more! Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to get exclusive access to these tales. The lore won't be available anywhere else until after the reimagined series is published. The first story takes us back to the very beginning of the world, one of the oldest legends, and perhaps the most popular tale they tell. Want to know more? Click to subscribe and get your lore on! ![]() So far, this year has been one to bring about many changes: new jobs, new challenges, new ideas, and new projects. Nothing is without hard work and dedication, but sometimes I wish that wasn't the case because I could sure use a break! But seriously, I've hand to make some calls this year and there's definitely a big one coming down the pipe. LEGACY OF SECRETS: I've decided to revamp the series this year as part of the ten year anniversary! The books will be revamped, edited, updated (maybe even extended), and re-released. They will have new covers and all of the current five will be released along with the next installment that I've been working on recently. I will still be adding another two or three books, depending on how the story flows, but they will come out next year. The current versions will remain available on Amazon for a few months, but I will pull them a few months before release. The old versions will be obsolete and I don't want to cause confusion. I will be looking for some alpha and beta readers, so be on the lookout for those posts. All of those who read for me will get signed ARCs from me and I might even decide to do a few contests. Who knows?! UNDERCOVER SERIES: Book two will be published this year, come hell or high water! My goal is to work on this story next and have it be available before I begin revamping LoS. I've had it buzzing around my head for a while and I'm actually pretty excited about doing something so different from what I'm used to. Fantasy is amazing and I love creating worlds, but the years of binge watching Law & Order: SVU has prepared me for cop drama so I need to cash in on that! XD A SHIFTER'S TALE: I will be pull these novellas and instead publishing them on Wattpad! I realized that with the nature of those stories being relatively short, they would be better suited for Wattpad than Amazon. I will be adding Thea's Reawakening this weekend and then I'll add Layla's Vindication probably within the next two-three weeks. I will continue this series as a side project, but will try to post new tales at least three times a year. OTHER PROJECTS: I'm pretty excited about some new stories that have come to mind that I are only in the conceptual phase as of the moment. Unfortunately, I won't be getting to writing these new stories until next year, but I will post updates when I have them. If everything is completed sooner than I expect, I'll be able to get crackin' on some new stories! Well, that's all I've got, I think. I stay the most active on Instagram so be sure to follow me there. Also, sign up for my newsletter so you will be notified of all the new releases and changes before everyone else! I'll be looking for some folks who might want to lend a hand in various capacities this year, so please follow me! See you around!! Lisa xoxoxoxo It's been some time since I wrote last, my apologies, as life has managed to get in the way again. I'm in the midst of finding a new job and trying to finish a book during Camp Nanowrimo, so things are H E C T I C! I'm hoping it will start dying down as the month is coming to a close.
I don't have much news, save for Blood Promise being completed soon. I've managed to screw that one up a time or two and had to start over, but I'm on the right track finally. As far as the remaining books in Legacy of Secrets, it's still a toss up, but I'm aiming for only two - hopefully. I have other WIPs down the pipeline, all hopefully to be completed with relative ease. This year still has many months and I'm looking forward to publishing as many books as I can this year. This book has thrown me off a bit, but I will get back on track as soon as I'm done! I've also networked/partnered with a new phenomenal group of women - Women Writing Fiction. Each of us is at a different stage of our writing careers, but the group is empowering and supportive and all the things you want in a network! You'll see me sharing and blogging about the group and their books, as well as my own, and I encourage you to read their work! They're oh-so-talented and range from Wattpad writers, to self-published, to traditionally published, and even some hybrids. A good portion of the women are embarking on this publishing journey for the first time and are bringing fresh voices and faces to the indie world. Keep an eye out for some new website content specific to Women Writing Fiction, soon! I'll be back soon. Read on, my friends!! Lisa xoxoxoxo Whether you believe in astrology or not, when the planets and stars do weird things in space, there's no way it doesn't affect everyone. I can tell you from experience, retrograde is a freaking nightmare. As an empath, it's like when hair is constantly on end and no matter what I do, I just can't relax. It's so annoying. Now I know, sometimes people are just weird, myself included, and likely there's a more reasonable explanation, but until one is presented to me, I'm sticking with retrograde because it's the best one I've got!
So - I've begun some work on Loving Undercover, but it is very early on so I don't have many details. Suffice it to say, there will be some interesting conflicts for Kris and Joe as they embark on their new life together. You'll probably find yourself asking, "will they or won't they?" Honestly, I don't know the answer yet, but that's part of the fun! I rarely plan a book before it's written so I am just as excited writing it as I hope you are to read it! Switching gears, I have been putting some thought into Legacy of Secrets and what comes next. I think, perhaps, I will pick back up on it after I get Loving Undercover completed. I know, I know - it's been a hella long wait, but I don't feel as though I've been doing the story justice with my current tries and I really just want it to be perfect. This series has been my heart for the last several years, so I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to just put out whatever word vomit I happen to type and slap a cover on it. I want to do it right. So, I'll think on it a bit more and post up a timeline of releases and preorders. Stay tuned for that!! Lastly, COME JOIN ME ON IG! Most of my social interactions are on Insta these days because there are so many people there who are like minded, meaning they love bookish things and might be kind of weird, like me. While I do post about my books and other writing, I also post about every day things as well, including quotes I like, food I eat, and whatever else catches my eye. Come hang with me!! Drop me a line if you want to chat and stay tuned for more updates and info! xoxoxo Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024