Whether you believe in astrology or not, when the planets and stars do weird things in space, there's no way it doesn't affect everyone. I can tell you from experience, retrograde is a freaking nightmare. As an empath, it's like when hair is constantly on end and no matter what I do, I just can't relax. It's so annoying. Now I know, sometimes people are just weird, myself included, and likely there's a more reasonable explanation, but until one is presented to me, I'm sticking with retrograde because it's the best one I've got!
So - I've begun some work on Loving Undercover, but it is very early on so I don't have many details. Suffice it to say, there will be some interesting conflicts for Kris and Joe as they embark on their new life together. You'll probably find yourself asking, "will they or won't they?" Honestly, I don't know the answer yet, but that's part of the fun! I rarely plan a book before it's written so I am just as excited writing it as I hope you are to read it! Switching gears, I have been putting some thought into Legacy of Secrets and what comes next. I think, perhaps, I will pick back up on it after I get Loving Undercover completed. I know, I know - it's been a hella long wait, but I don't feel as though I've been doing the story justice with my current tries and I really just want it to be perfect. This series has been my heart for the last several years, so I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to just put out whatever word vomit I happen to type and slap a cover on it. I want to do it right. So, I'll think on it a bit more and post up a timeline of releases and preorders. Stay tuned for that!! Lastly, COME JOIN ME ON IG! Most of my social interactions are on Insta these days because there are so many people there who are like minded, meaning they love bookish things and might be kind of weird, like me. While I do post about my books and other writing, I also post about every day things as well, including quotes I like, food I eat, and whatever else catches my eye. Come hang with me!! Drop me a line if you want to chat and stay tuned for more updates and info! xoxoxo Lisa
Here I am again, doing exactly what I said I wouldn't - disappearing into the realm of reality. I know, how dare I. Just when I was making amazing progress, life had to kick me in the arse. Isn't that just typical?
To recap what has happened over the past few months, I ended up running into some health issues. Luckily it turned out to be nothing major, but I never want to be in the position where I am faced with my mortality at such a young age (I'm only 31!) ever again. For a few months, I was teetering on the "is this cancer" edge only to come out on the fortunate side of the results. I was lucky where far too many are not, and there's no guarantee I'll always be cancer-free. At this point, I'll take what I can get. At this point, I'm focusing on moving forward. I've got a lot on my plate, but with some hard work, dedication, and intense scheduling, I have faith that I can get back on track with my health and everything else I've got going on. So where do I go from here? I think that's the million dollar question. Where do I go from here? First, I will be setting deadlines for my next two books to be released in the next three to four months. I am sending out for cover art and some additional ads before the end of this month as well as finishing the rough draft on at least one of the two. You should see Thea's Reawakening and Falling Undercover come out before the end of the summer! So where does that leave Legacy of Secrets?? While it is still unfinished, it is coming along. Blood Promise will be my third release this year, likely this fall, and I will then be aiming at beginning Shattered Secrets. I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure if Shattered Secrets will be the end of the series for good, but it will be where the story will end for now. Their world exists within mine, so you never know when they'll decide to tell me more tales. Lastly, I have to work on my long awaited science fiction novel. This Stephen King meets M Night Shyamalan lol. Ruination will be an epic tale and equally exciting and terrifying. It's going on be one of those books that I will have nightmares while writing, but it will be absolutely worth it, in the end. I'm hoping to release Shattered Secrets and Ruination next year as they are both large projects. I might have a few smaller works here or there, but only time will tell! I'm working on my online presence and social media posts. Look out for more updates on Instagram as it is the easiest platform to "see" me these days. Keep an eye open for regular stories and exclusives only on IG. If you don't follow me, you should be! Check ya next time! Lisa xoxoxo
So there's this on the web, I'm not sure if you've heard of it, called Wattpad. This particular website is a place where readers and writers can engage, similar to other social media outlets. What makes Wattpad unique is that you can reach your audience and get feedback before self-publishing or pitching your title to a traditional publisher. What's pretty amazing about the site are the authors who've received publishing contracts due to their popularity there alone. It's definitely an untapped resource!
Now, as an author, it's a bit painful to put work into something and have it available to be read for free, but honestly, we give away so many copies of our work a year, it's really no different. I mean, the whole goal is to grow in your skills and your audience and Wattpad offers that option. But just like anything else, it takes work and dedication. Nothing ever happens over night. The reason I bring up Wattpad is because I'm going to start posting short stories and other projects there every other week, at least. I have a ton of ideas for projects, but most of them are just for fun or to help spark my imagination. I feel having these works in a place where they might bring some of you joy makes the most sense. While I think all of us budding authors have dreams of one day hitting it big, I write because I love it, not because I want to get rich. The content I have on there is old right now, but I will be updating it soon so keep an eye out for that post. Hopefully, I'll get a good anthology of short stories going and I'll publish it once I feel I've done enough damage! Click the link below to jump to my Wattpad profile to read my work and follow me!! |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024