For years, I've been juggling all the things, trying to determine what works for me and what doesn't. I've listened to the "experts," I've followed all the rules, and I've learned I just don't like to do things the same as everyone else. So sue me :shrug:
So, what does that mean? It means I am changing up tactics as we close on 2024. I'm perfectly fine not being the best at everything, but I know there are some things I'm good at which I need to focus on more. As such, I've decided to archive this blog and instead shift to using my newsletter for updates, news, and random things I feel I want to share. If I'm being honest, I don't have the time or capacity to post something different or compelling in multiple spaces. Between working full time, tending to family needs, writing, and a whole host of other real life issues, it just isn't something I will be consistent with, as seen with this blog! I haven't posted since the beginning of 2024 and it's not December. Clearly, this is not one of those strengths I mentioned a moment ago. Beginning in January, all of my news, updates, and info will be exclusively found on my newsletter first, before I post about anything else on socials. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER As a side note, I no longer have Twitter and have moved to Bluesky and Threads. All of my links and socials are on the LINKS page as well so you can follow me! Hope to see you all around! Lisa xoxoxo
![]() Each of us has a spiritual journey that may or may not coincide with our life journey. Some choose no spiritualism or faith at all, some choose Christianity, some Buddhism, some Muslim, but what remains true is that those lessons and convictions usually resonate in other aspects of our lives. Most recently, I've decided to delve into spiritualism–otherwise known as witchcraft. No, this doesn't mean I worship a god or goddess. No, this doesn't mean I sacrifice animals or people. No, this doesn't mean I think I can do literally magic as seen on TV and movies. Modern witchcraft and spiritualism focuses on empowerment, manifestation, inner peace, love, and the power of self. Basically, I'm trusting myself and my intuition to manifest my future and overcome . I was raised with Christian beliefs and I still strongly feel as though most of those are valid, however I have always felt...other. There have always been things that haven't made sense to me and I was always afraid to question those things. I'm so glad that I no longer have that fear! Finally, after entering my thirties, I feel comfortable enough to walk in my own light and embrace those parts of me that dwell in darkness so as to understand myself and how I need to heal. I'm excited to understand this part of myself. I won't be posting a lot about it on social media unless asked, mostly because it won't necessarily be centered around my career, however I will share occasionally. Of course, I'm open to any resources for those who may practice or follow this path for themselves. I'd love to hear your perspective!! Drop me a line and let me know the deets!! Until next time!! xoxoxo -Lisa :) Back in 2008, I made the leap to self-publishing my very first book, Cursed Secrets. Independent publishing was hard - like really hard back then. To be taken seriously as an indie author, one had to make it look like the book was published by one of the "Big 6" houses–this meant professional covers, editing, formatting, etc. It took a lot of work, money, blood, sweat, and tears to make an indie book thrive. There were some who made it and were rock stars to the rest of us because it showed we could do it, too. I thought I could. I was well on my way to a career I'd always wanted, but life got in the way big time.
A little over 10 years later, and I've not accomplished nearly what I thought I would, which is okay. I've had a lot happen in 10 years that has made me into who I am, but that also means I have to face the things I didn't get the chance to accomplish before. As in, I need to realize that while I did publish a book, as I'd always dreamt, I didn't fully realize the potential and so I did myself a disservice. Now, I'm taking control over that dream and recreating it into my current reality. So, in the coming months, I'll be releasing new anniversary editions of all the Legacy of Secrets books, including some new titles never before released! All Legacy of Secrets books will be available for preorder soon! Keep an eye on the upcoming newsletters and social media to learn when you can order your copies of the new versions. Previous versions of LoS have been removed from Amazon and will not be available for purchase/download until the new versions are available. Rest assured, you'll fall in love with the characters all over again! Are you ready for a new book boyfriend/girlfriend? Be careful what you ask for. ;) Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to get these types of updates before ANYONE ELSE!! There has been a lot of buzz among the indie publishing community about authors who are deciding to no longer publish because of how hard it is to break through. While I understand this sentiment, if that's the only reason why you're writing, then maybe you shouldn't publish anymore.
I don't write with the intention of selling millions of books, although that would be my dream and has been since I was a young girl. I write because I have stories to tell and characters who deserve voices and because I love it. It is my craft. It is my therapy. It is one of the only things I have to actually call my own in this world. Why should I let the opinion of others diminish that for me? Look, I am by no means faulting these authors. This is a tough business. The people in this industry are brutal. If you are original, no one wants to take a chance. If you are too similar, you will be considered a hack. The majority of the successful authors fall somewhere in the middle and I'm not too sure how much of that is by chance rather than choice. Sometimes people do what they must to survive and likely, this is the case with many authors in the world now. Would I love to be a best selling author and have movies or TV shows made about the characters and worlds I create? You bet your ass I would, but just because it's not happening, that doesn't mean I need to give up on something I love and has been such a huge part of my life. I may not have a gift. I may be a talentless fool. But at the end of the day, if I'm doing what I love, what does it matter? The bottom line: if you truly are in love with what you do, you won't be able to stop because nothing will feel right if you do. If sales matter more to you than your craft, it might be time to take a break and reevaluate why you started in the first place. Never let anyone take away something you love. Lisa xoxoxo Life is full of crossroads.
Some of us look for pros and cons before making a decision and some of us just go with our gut. What holds true to all of us is that often these choices have us facing things in life we hadn't expected. While, at the time, we might be struggling or feeling as if we can't push on, we are learning a lesson desperately needed to put us on the necessary path. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I believe the universe puts us on certain paths to learn certain things as a means to understand our existence and share our knowledge with others. We are here to learn and grow and make those who come after us wiser by sharing the knowledge of the universe. As a writer, I often pour my emotions into my work as well as life experiences, to a degree. I haven't experienced everything my characters have, mostly because I don't live in an actual fantasy world (how I wish!), but I can empathize with how they may react in certain situations. So why the post? I'm coming to a crossroads, myself. How do I choose which way to go? Do I need to abandon something I love for something necessary? Is there a way to keep everything in my life? Is this one of those times that the lesson means more than the thing I'm giving up? How do I choose when it's all important to me in one way or another? Deep down, I think I know what my decision needs to be, but I still want to be sure that I'm making the right choice. I've come to the apex of things and will need to make a choice soon, but I don't quite know what I should choose. How do you make important choices? What do you weigh when deciding things? xoxoxo -Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024