For years, I've been juggling all the things, trying to determine what works for me and what doesn't. I've listened to the "experts," I've followed all the rules, and I've learned I just don't like to do things the same as everyone else. So sue me :shrug:
So, what does that mean? It means I am changing up tactics as we close on 2024. I'm perfectly fine not being the best at everything, but I know there are some things I'm good at which I need to focus on more. As such, I've decided to archive this blog and instead shift to using my newsletter for updates, news, and random things I feel I want to share. If I'm being honest, I don't have the time or capacity to post something different or compelling in multiple spaces. Between working full time, tending to family needs, writing, and a whole host of other real life issues, it just isn't something I will be consistent with, as seen with this blog! I haven't posted since the beginning of 2024 and it's not December. Clearly, this is not one of those strengths I mentioned a moment ago. Beginning in January, all of my news, updates, and info will be exclusively found on my newsletter first, before I post about anything else on socials. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER As a side note, I no longer have Twitter and have moved to Bluesky and Threads. All of my links and socials are on the LINKS page as well so you can follow me! Hope to see you all around! Lisa xoxoxo
For years, those of us in the writer community have participated in NaNoWriMo, of which I know many of you have heard or seen me discuss. I believe even my last blog post had quite a bit of information regarding my plans for Nano for 2023 and TAFAR, etc. However, we sometimes learn things about our heroes which irrevocably changes our perspective.
There have been allegations regarding abuses made against minors through the forums on Nano, specifically regarding one mod in particular, in which those who were immediately in charge minimized and brushed under the rug. It wasn't until their board was finally made aware that the forums were locked down, however users were then being purged and subsequent complaints apparently were being removed. All in all, the handling of this was utterly disastrous and I never want to knowingly partner with any company who doesn't take allegations seriously - regardless of their intention. << I posted more about this in my IG stories, which you can check out here >> That being said, I have parted ways with Nanowrimo and apart from this blog and the story linked above, I will not be mentioning any affiliations with them going forward. For those who've decided to stay with the program, I urge you to be diligent in your work and advocacy for those who may be vulnerable and unable to advocate for themselves. Many are saddened by the ending of the NanoWriMo era, which is not unlike many nostalgic things we encounter in our lives, but the spirit of Nano is still alive in all the writers who've made it possible throughout the years. Want to write a novel in 30 days? Write 1670 words a day! Want the nifty badges of accomplishment? Make some cute stickers and reward yourself each time you complete your daily goal. Want to find a community? Head to a local library, search Facebook for groups, reach out using hashtags on IG or Twitter. You are in control of this new beginning and I believe in you!! Let's go kick December in the ass, shall we? Lisa xoxoxo ![]() So far, this year has been one to bring about many changes: new jobs, new challenges, new ideas, and new projects. Nothing is without hard work and dedication, but sometimes I wish that wasn't the case because I could sure use a break! But seriously, I've hand to make some calls this year and there's definitely a big one coming down the pipe. LEGACY OF SECRETS: I've decided to revamp the series this year as part of the ten year anniversary! The books will be revamped, edited, updated (maybe even extended), and re-released. They will have new covers and all of the current five will be released along with the next installment that I've been working on recently. I will still be adding another two or three books, depending on how the story flows, but they will come out next year. The current versions will remain available on Amazon for a few months, but I will pull them a few months before release. The old versions will be obsolete and I don't want to cause confusion. I will be looking for some alpha and beta readers, so be on the lookout for those posts. All of those who read for me will get signed ARCs from me and I might even decide to do a few contests. Who knows?! UNDERCOVER SERIES: Book two will be published this year, come hell or high water! My goal is to work on this story next and have it be available before I begin revamping LoS. I've had it buzzing around my head for a while and I'm actually pretty excited about doing something so different from what I'm used to. Fantasy is amazing and I love creating worlds, but the years of binge watching Law & Order: SVU has prepared me for cop drama so I need to cash in on that! XD A SHIFTER'S TALE: I will be pull these novellas and instead publishing them on Wattpad! I realized that with the nature of those stories being relatively short, they would be better suited for Wattpad than Amazon. I will be adding Thea's Reawakening this weekend and then I'll add Layla's Vindication probably within the next two-three weeks. I will continue this series as a side project, but will try to post new tales at least three times a year. OTHER PROJECTS: I'm pretty excited about some new stories that have come to mind that I are only in the conceptual phase as of the moment. Unfortunately, I won't be getting to writing these new stories until next year, but I will post updates when I have them. If everything is completed sooner than I expect, I'll be able to get crackin' on some new stories! Well, that's all I've got, I think. I stay the most active on Instagram so be sure to follow me there. Also, sign up for my newsletter so you will be notified of all the new releases and changes before everyone else! I'll be looking for some folks who might want to lend a hand in various capacities this year, so please follow me! See you around!! Lisa xoxoxoxo Sorry I've been kind of ghosting everyone for the last week or so. There've been some big personal changes going on that has kept much of my attention. Not to mention that I now think I'm getting sick, due to the fact that my whole body feels like it's underwater and I've got some pretty bad headaches (not yet turned migraines) going on - blegh.
I thought about doing a short story recently, but I'm honestly not sure to start. I don't even know if people read short stories?? I'm thinking I may do some on my Wattpad since I haven't used it in AGES. Do people still read on there? I'M SO OUT OF TOUCH!! Anyway, I plan to try to use Facebook Live a bit more often (once I am no longer sick). I guess we'll see if anyone watches!! 'Till next time! Lisa xoxoxo Life is full of crossroads.
Some of us look for pros and cons before making a decision and some of us just go with our gut. What holds true to all of us is that often these choices have us facing things in life we hadn't expected. While, at the time, we might be struggling or feeling as if we can't push on, we are learning a lesson desperately needed to put us on the necessary path. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I believe the universe puts us on certain paths to learn certain things as a means to understand our existence and share our knowledge with others. We are here to learn and grow and make those who come after us wiser by sharing the knowledge of the universe. As a writer, I often pour my emotions into my work as well as life experiences, to a degree. I haven't experienced everything my characters have, mostly because I don't live in an actual fantasy world (how I wish!), but I can empathize with how they may react in certain situations. So why the post? I'm coming to a crossroads, myself. How do I choose which way to go? Do I need to abandon something I love for something necessary? Is there a way to keep everything in my life? Is this one of those times that the lesson means more than the thing I'm giving up? How do I choose when it's all important to me in one way or another? Deep down, I think I know what my decision needs to be, but I still want to be sure that I'm making the right choice. I've come to the apex of things and will need to make a choice soon, but I don't quite know what I should choose. How do you make important choices? What do you weigh when deciding things? xoxoxo -Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024