Alas, here I am, several weeks/months later and I'm still stuck in a reading rut. Somehow, I've managed to download several different types of books, only to be utterly disinterested by the end of the first chapter. I just haven't found that book that's pulled me in and transformed my world. It's annoying and something I've been having a hard time kicking. Perhaps the worst part is the fact that the lack of reading material has stunted my writing goals. I have a book I've been trying to finish for MONTHS and part of the problem is that my head just isn't in it as it should be. Damn this chaotic mind!
So here I sit, trying to muster up the story that has been knocking at the back of my brain for the better part of the last year. I've outlined some parts, flash written others, to no avail. I've even had one of my betas read through it because I feel so disconnected, I wasn't even sure if anything I've written has made sense. I need a saving grace, here. In the meantime, there are other books available for everyone to read, including the newest Falling Undercover novel. I've decided to continue that story as part of The Undercover Series and I've already gotten parts of the next book hashed out. It will be an interesting journey for me as this series is my first attempt at contemporary romance/romantic suspense. It seems I have a bit of a knack for it, so I think while the story has a good direction, I'll continue. I have another potential story along the same type of genre lines, I just don't know much about it just yet. Maybe I can do a stand alone for once! WATTPAD UPDATE: This year, I will begin a story/novel for Wattpad only. I have my PA working on some info for me to get started, and I'm pretty excited! I'm thinking maybe a witchy read with some real world elements and lore as well as the typical fantasy ones we know and love. I hope to have this started by the summer. I will definitely keep everyone posted on that, but in the meantime, head over to follow me on Wattpad for updates when I post new stories, etc. Lastly, don't forget to follow me on social media! I'm much more active on Instagram than any of the others, but feel free to follow me everywhere! Head over to find out where you can find me on the web...
So one common thought or point made by nearly every author I've ever met is that one must read a lot to write a lot. I have to say that for the most part, this is true. Sometimes, ideas just come to you, whether you've been reading or not. Other times, you get stuck in a reading rut - much the same as with writer's block. How do you rectify this? For me, I go back to one of the novels that I read when I was at one of the lowest points of my life that helped me to cope. The story in and of itself did little to aid me, but rather the act of reading and finding an outlet so my mind didn't linger on all of the worst parts was what saved me.
That novel, was Twilight. Now I know, you're thinking I'm crazy, but it's true. You see, back in 2007, my marriage had fallen apart, I was five months pregnant, and also had a two-year-old. I had just turned 20 years old. I was at a loss as to how to pull myself back together and I couldn't quite figure out how I had messed my life up so badly, which now would affect my children. I was in a pretty dark and scary place. At the time, I didn't recognize the years of emotional and mental abuse I'd endured because it was all too fresh and I even held out hope that we could work things out so my boys didn't grow up in a broken home, but as time went on, I realized that we were better off, for the most part. So where does Twilight come in? Honestly, it wasn't until after the first movie came out that I decided to read the books, and I'm so glad I did. You see, the movies by comparison were total shit - apart from the very last Breaking Dawn (I don't care - you can fight me on this). Anyway, when I read the first book, I realized how much more substance there were to the characters than what was portrayed in the movie and I loved it! I ended up reading all of the books in about ten days. The hardest for me to read was New Moon, but only because it brought me face-to-face with my abandonment issues. I was trying to hard to ignore the deeper issues I harbored after my divorce, but it was after reading that book I realized just how much of a hollow shell I had become. It wasn't that any part of the story really spoke to me, but rather the emotions (yes, Bella has emotions in the books) that were portrayed during that time. I had felt everything that Bella felt and then some. I knew what it was like to be numb. I knew what it was like to feel like the abyss was swallowing me a little more each day. It was Hell. It was my life. But I wasn't alone in my fight. I had two babies to care for who depended on me for everything. I had been lost in the magnitude of what that meant and I couldn't figure out what I needed to do or how I could push forward. I was lucky most days to get out of bed. While it was true that I had met the man that is now my husband during that time, I still had a lot of healing to do and we both suffered for it. He was eager to step in and help me with my children, but I was apprehensive and frankly afraid of what would happen to my heart if I gave it license again to feel. It was one of the hardest decisions I'd ever made because I was terrified of what could happen. We've been together 11 years now, but the first few years were definitely rough, to say the least. But I digress. After reading New Moon and dealing with those repressed feelings, I was able to really and truly feel deeply again. As I read through the other novels, I was laughing and smiling and crying right along with the characters and it felt good. For so long, I was locked in a sinking ship and I had finally found something to cut me loose. Now that I've moved past that time in my life, if I find myself in a rut or if I need to jump start my reading again, I usually turn to Twilight. Honestly, it's not about the book, but rather the journey it takes with you. I have found myself reading Harry Potter again, as well, but mostly that's when my kids leave theirs lying around and I don't have anything else to do. For me, Twilight helped to kick start my heart and it serves the same purpose for my mind. Is there a special relationship you have with a novel? Do you have any tricks you use to get your mojo back? Drop a line and give me some pointers! xoxoxo Lisa Hello out there to all my friends! I hope your Thanksgiving left you fat and happy and perhaps even a little tipsy! If you were not able to have a traditional Thanksgiving for any reason, just know there are those of us who were thinking of you and hoping next year will be filled with all you need and want. Everyone's holidays should be filled with good fortune and fun, so let's try to do something to help out those who may be less fortunate than we are every chance we get!
On to the news! Falling Undercover debuted today and I couldn't be happier with the reception! Thank you so much to all those who've purchased it so far and I hope you enjoy it!! It was definitely a labor of love and I'm already getting requests for the next book in the series, which I've not even started writing yet! I will be putting together my release calendar for the next year soon so everyone can see when to expect their faves! I'm humbled by all of you for helping me live out my dream. I'm hoping to release Blood Promise by Christmas (two months late, I know). Initially, my October release got pushed back due to my being sick, but then I realized I had some preorders setup and I needed to get those out of the way first. I'll confirm the release date as soon as I am able to get the manuscript finished. I was about halfway done before I had to step away, so it shouldn't be much longer. Cross your fingers for me! All in all, I couldn't be more pleased with how things have turned out this fall and I hope you all have been hanging with me through this craziness! Thanks again for your support and I'll keep 'em coming! Lisa xoxoxo I've heard many writers argue as to whether writer's block exists. Some say it's just the name given to the lack of motivation, others say it's a real thing and frantically search for quick fixes to jump start their muse. I have no problem coming up with new ideas, but when bringing a work to completion, I tend to struggle. Maybe I have been spreading myself too thin or maybe I've just needed to take a break from ALL things until my story begins writing itself again. Whatever the solution, writing a blog about it seemed to make more sense than staring at the screen doing nothing. I'm not quite sure what else there is, so I'll throw in some shameless plugs for the hell of it. I mean, how else are you going to buy my stuff unless I tell you about it? :p Happy trails! -Lisa xoxoxo Cursed Secrets: Legacy of Secrets #1Now available on Amazon, Cursed Secrets begins Lia's journey as she uncovers the secrets of her past, finds a forbidden love she just can't let go and faces choices that will change the lives of herself and those she loves irrevocably. Only $2.99!!
![]() Let's face it, there's only one reason why we read romance novels; we crave the passion. We want to feel that spark again. The one that makes our bellies quiver with anticipation and our cheeks flush. You can't deny it, because that's exactly the same reason I read. But I'm rather dissatisfied with the storytelling as of late. I understand the need to create the tension between the characters, I do much of that myself, but when nearly the entire book is some type of whining or back and forth or drama, it gets exhausting!! I want the passion that's built up after the tension. I want the giggly feeling when the characters get cheeky. I want to fall in love and feel what they feel. I WANT SATISFACTION!! :D ![]() It's about the love story and what it takes for the characters to get there, but it's also about the sex. I don't want porn, I don't want erotica (unless that's what I've purchased), I want the passionate love story that doesn't skimp on the sex scene I've been waiting for the entire book! Hot and heavy kissing and petting, heavy breathing and messy hair, precarious situations and everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) in between. Anything less isn't doing the lovers justice. If someone were to read about my love life, I'd want to make sure they were thoroughly entertained, the same as I'd want to be. Is that really too much to ask? Don't get me wrong, casual sex can be a good thing, but it's just not what I'm into. The sex is only worth it if the characters have a deep, unmistakeably strong rooted emotional connection that creates the foundation for everything else in the story. Half-way love is too often portrayed with the wishy-washy dramas and characters who have no idea what they want and, although realistic, I don't care to read about that! Perhaps it is my past life indiscretions, perhaps it is my idealist mentality, but if I can't have it all, I don't want any of it!
So dare I ask...what type of passion do you crave? |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024