Writing has been a dream of mine since I was about seven years old. I would imagine stories and write poetry and always had a journal and book in hand. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.
For a short period of time, I fell off the wagon when life was hitting me pretty hard and, believe it or not, the story that pushed me back on was Twilight. I know, I know, sparkly vampires and obsessive behavior isn't exactly romantic, but reading those books refreshed my love for reading and the writing came soon after. So, what's the point of this? The point is, I never stopped dreaming. Anytime I'm asked what I'd like to when I grow up, I always answer the same; "I want to be a successful author." Some may argue that I'm already successful since I've sought this out independently, but there's so much more that can come of my writing career and I'm pretty lost at how to get where I'd like to be from where I am. If I may quote the prophetic work Meet the Robinsons, "Keep moving forward". Stay strong and dreamy, my friends! Lisa xoxoxo
Hey, hey, hey!
Don't mind me, I'm lame... So last week I was a bit under the weather, but I did manage to finish my next release! Thea's Reawakening is in editing currently (as my independent beta readers are working on it right now) and I'm hoping to release it in the coming weeks. I've got some graphics to be drafted shortly and then I'll be off to publish! Keep an eye out on social media for updates! I posted a new episode of my story podcast today. My goal is to post a few chapters every Monday and even have some guests! My next guest is a good friend and beta reader, Julie O'Dell. She's an avid reader and loves all things literary. We're going to talk about some of my books, some of her favorites, and just some general bookish nonsense! I'll post more as we hammer out the deets. A little secret...I'm not very interesting. I work a lot and kill a lot of time doing nothing or I'm spending time with my family. Writing and reading tends to be difficult sometimes. However, I'm working on my half-year resolution by writing an hour a day. It's hard, but as soon as I'm done with this post, I'll be cracking out some words (hopefully). Do you have any writing or time management tips? I'm all ears! Drop me a line and let me know what your secrets are!! ...til next time! Lisa xoxoxo We all make resolutions every new year: lose weight, save money, stop drinking, etc. Most of the time, we get through a few weeks of motivated change before we inevitably give up and revert back to our old ways. Some lucky souls don't give up, but the majority struggle to meet their goals. It happens.
In my experience, something totally unexpected and unavoidable tends to pop up and wreak havoc on everything in my world. This year, I started out strong, but ended up being diagnosed with a chronic illness around April and had to pump the brakes in a hard way. For anyone who struggles with a chronic illness or chronic pain, you know my struggle. I won't go into detail about my condition, just know I suffer from chronic fatigue and pain as a result. It's awesome, I tell ya. Anyway, I've slowly been getting back to some type of normal and with that, I've had to reevaluate my resolutions and decided to use the mid-year mark to jump back into the fray. So, here are my half-year resolutions: 1. Blog regularly - two times per week 2. Write at least an hour a day 3. Release 3-4 books between now and Spring 2019 4. Eat better 5. Exercise regularly 6. Take a day for self-care 7. Go on date nights with the hubby 8. One-on-one time with each of my kids Little by little, I'm working through the list to get my life back together. Making adjustments is hard, but what's the point of life if not to reach some type of enjoyment? I want to do more than survive, I want to thrive. Have you made a half-year resolution? xoxoxo Lisa I wish I could say that I was the most organized person and was on track with all of my plans, but I'm not. Being a working mom with three kids and school just starting and extra curricular obligations, I'm lucky to sleep some days. I'm doing my best, though, and I'm trying really hard to stick to my initial plans. That being said, there aren't too many updates, but I'm here to tell you what little there is, if you really want to know. Ultimately, my goal is to adhere to my release schedule as well as to add some fresh stories to the roster. I have plans to release some short stories on Wattpad, but I need to finish my upcoming releases first. I can't work on those and new stories at the same time because I'm just not that good, to be honest. I have a hard enough time finishing one story! I hope to, one day, be the type of writer who can write multiple stories at once, but I'm just not there yet. So I did a thing...
Aside from that thing, my next release will be Thea's Reawakening. My graphic artist is working on the cover currently so once that's done, we'll be on track for release in a few short weeks! The Shifter's Tales will be a series based around this particular group of characters and the world in which they live. Not all stories will be immediately related, but they'll definitely tie in together at some point. Well, I think that's all I've got for you today. Look out for the next episode of my podcast Monday and the upcoming release. I'm more active on Instagram these days and will likely start going live there periodically so look out for that, too. I've made some half-year resolutions (another blog about this coming this week) to be and do better, so you should start hearing more from me once I get my schedule finished. Thanks a bunch for all your support over the years! xoxoxo Lisa |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024