There has been a lot of buzz among the indie publishing community about authors who are deciding to no longer publish because of how hard it is to break through. While I understand this sentiment, if that's the only reason why you're writing, then maybe you shouldn't publish anymore.
I don't write with the intention of selling millions of books, although that would be my dream and has been since I was a young girl. I write because I have stories to tell and characters who deserve voices and because I love it. It is my craft. It is my therapy. It is one of the only things I have to actually call my own in this world. Why should I let the opinion of others diminish that for me? Look, I am by no means faulting these authors. This is a tough business. The people in this industry are brutal. If you are original, no one wants to take a chance. If you are too similar, you will be considered a hack. The majority of the successful authors fall somewhere in the middle and I'm not too sure how much of that is by chance rather than choice. Sometimes people do what they must to survive and likely, this is the case with many authors in the world now. Would I love to be a best selling author and have movies or TV shows made about the characters and worlds I create? You bet your ass I would, but just because it's not happening, that doesn't mean I need to give up on something I love and has been such a huge part of my life. I may not have a gift. I may be a talentless fool. But at the end of the day, if I'm doing what I love, what does it matter? The bottom line: if you truly are in love with what you do, you won't be able to stop because nothing will feel right if you do. If sales matter more to you than your craft, it might be time to take a break and reevaluate why you started in the first place. Never let anyone take away something you love. Lisa xoxoxo
Sorry I've been kind of ghosting everyone for the last week or so. There've been some big personal changes going on that has kept much of my attention. Not to mention that I now think I'm getting sick, due to the fact that my whole body feels like it's underwater and I've got some pretty bad headaches (not yet turned migraines) going on - blegh.
I thought about doing a short story recently, but I'm honestly not sure to start. I don't even know if people read short stories?? I'm thinking I may do some on my Wattpad since I haven't used it in AGES. Do people still read on there? I'M SO OUT OF TOUCH!! Anyway, I plan to try to use Facebook Live a bit more often (once I am no longer sick). I guess we'll see if anyone watches!! 'Till next time! Lisa xoxoxo So the hubby's birthday is Sunday and I decided to have a giveaway weekend in his honor!! I know that seems silly, but I was in the spirit of giving, so....
![]() What makes your heart race? What makes your legs weak? What makes your palms sweat? What makes your stomach feel like it's full of butterflies? A convincing romance answers these questions, or at least challenges them. Not all love stories are "love at first sight" or "a universal love". I actually prefer the kind that makes the characters experience real issues that couples often face. No relationship is perfect. Falling in love is the easy part, but choosing to continue to love is where you have to put the work in. There isn't any justice given to love and relationships if the nuances are ignored. Even when writing fantasy or sci-fi, faking the love story is very noticeable. The characters aren't relateable and the story suffers because the story just isn't believable. You can create a new world without the romance, but if you add the romance, at least make it seem real. That being said, the love scenes in my books are not catered to my readers, sorry to say. Those love scenes are catered to the characters and how they react to one another. Two characters who are deeply in love may have a passionate encounter while two who are acquaintances may not. The chemistry is the biggest factor that sets the tone for the scene. I can definitely say that the sex isn't gratuitous, either. If the characters in my story are having sex, it's because they are either coming to a romantic milestone or progressing their intimacy. RULE OF THUMB - if the sex doesn't progress the story, you don't need it. Anyway, I hope I've made you think. Comment below if you have anything to add! -Lisa xoxoxoxo Many years ago, I had stopped reading and writing altogether. I had been in a bad situation and it left me in a pretty bad place in life. Without going into too much detail, I was a newly single mother of a toddler and infant and had no idea what to do with my life. Depression wasn't quite the word for what I experienced. In the years following up to this event, reading and writing wasn't enjoyable. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted and had nearly given up my passion. It wasn't until after my devastation that I decided to pick up a book to see if I could escape from my crumbling reality. I had forgotten what it felt like to be whisked away into the world between the pages and live inside of them. Shockingly, the first books I came back to were......
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024