Obviously, I have a problem. After being socially active for some time, I fall off the face of the earth and bury myself in projects and other things, including my normal day-to-day life, as an avoidance tactic. In this business, being present means building your brand (your name) and a fanbase. It also equates to book sales and reviews, etc. It's A LOT to manage on your own, especially if you have other things going on in your life which require your attention.
Aside from being an author, I'm a mother and a wife. I also have a full time job as an IT Support Tech and I own a small business on the side. My life is never 100% slow. With the kids come the extracurriculars such as sports, band, etc, in which I am their primary mode of transportation and support. My husband's job is physically demanding so during the week, I shoulder much of the basic needs and he fills in the rest on the weekends. We also have a pug named Frankie (who you'll see if you follow me on Instagram) and she gets ALL the attention because, well, she's the baby! On any given day, between all of my social media accounts, I'm burning up the WiFi or data to connect to people. Finding that balance is ROUGH. I need to be here to spend time with my family, but I need to also be HERE to spend time with my online family. When does it become too much? My husband and I have squabbled about this in the past and at some point I have to decide when I've crossed the boundary and left my family behind. So you can see my dilemma? I may post on Twitter or Instagram and sometimes even Facebook, but my blog and journal will go lacking, especially when I don't have a terrible amount of things to say. I mean, do you want to hear about my day at the office? Do you need to know that my son has strep throat? Does my struggle with life make for tantalizing news? If you wouldn't recognize my name next to any others, chances are none of the above matters to you, so what the hell am I to write about? Blogging is a challenge because, well, I'm just not that interesting! I don't peruse the internet looking for articles. I don't care enough about trolling other writer's Goodreads or Amazon looking for some type of drama to report on. I'm just not that type of person and I won't sink to that level just for "clicks". If people don't want to be here because of some cheesy headline that has nothing to do with me or my work. I want you all to be here BECAUSE of me or my work. It's why I do what I do. So please don't think I don't care or that I'm not trying to put out more of a variety of work for you all to read. I have simply been in a funk and can't seem to stick to one project long enough to finish anything. I've tried, and every time I get pulled away toward something else. It sucks, but that's just the way things are right now. If you want to keep up with me, PLEASE connect on all of my social media!! You will see my quirky, nerdy and definitely dweeby self and will see that I truly do embrace this passion, I just have a hard time expressing it sometimes! Promise me you'll follow?? I'll hold you to it!!! See you on the other side!! Lisa xoxoxoxo P.S - For some reason, I'm unable to link my accounts, so I've included them below!!
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024