One of the two things I hate the most with any new project is coming up with a title. This secret project with my publisher is currently untitled and part of me feeling like it's lost because it doesn't have a name. I mean, when you get a new pet, the first thing you do is name it before you shower it with love and affection and, truth be told, a story is no different than a pet.
You use the innermost feelings, desires, stresses, memories and thoughts to create the world and characters. Pieces of yourself are weaved into the words you write on each page, much the same as pieces of yourself are with that pet who lovingly cuddles up to you and you babble baby-speak to. (Don't pretend like you don't do it, we all do!) So I suppose it's only natural that I am feeling a bit unattached from this project. I need renewed inspiration, encouragement and direction! How do I do that? Your guess is as good as mine, but I've got less than two weeks to complete it. Story of my life, right? How about this, drop me a line below and tell me what you would title my story. I'm going to give a brief description of where the story is going so far to help out, but since I can't give too much away, you'll have to use a bit of imagination ;) Ember finds herself in a new world where strange, exotic people seem to roam. She's never encountered any others like them before. Luther, the man who found her, explains that they are people who live in harmony with nature, often mimicking it. She doesn't realize quite how true that is until Luther becomes....something else. Ember is fascinated by the romantic notions of their little tribe, with their culture and relationships, but finds herself longing to truly belong. One of the members help her to find her connection with nature and she falls in love with it all. I wish I could tell you more, but that would ruin the story! Drop a line below, tell me what you think this project title should be. Help a sista out and maybe there will be some freebies in your future! P.S.- If you tell me who Ember's partner should be, come up with a name for him or her, you get bonus points! I might actually write you, as a character, into my story! (YAY!!)
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What happens between the pages, stays between the pages...As writers, we tend to jump into many projects as a means of getting our work out there in as many different ways as possible. Especially as an independent author, it's important to showcase your writing abilities to as many people as you can get to read your work. It's only natural that I have also began undertaking this practice!
Currently, I'm working on a secret project with my publisher, Raven's Seduction Press, and I had to shoulder Falling Undercover for a few weeks as a result. I'm not happy about setting aside my debut romantic suspense novel, but I'm SUPER excited about this project. While I can't tell you much, I can post teasers every once in a while until I'm given the okay to speak more freely. So, for your reading pleasure, here's a little taste of my secret story! It all sparks with one idea- attraction. That special person catches your eye and you instantly go weak. Tunnel vision takes over and heat builds from places inside you probably forgot were there in the first place. Your body temperature rises and all you can think about is their touch, their smell and how your name sounds as it rolls off their tongue.
For some, these thoughts occur with many people, while others reserve for only one. There is no shame in either preference. It doesn't matter how many partners you have, or what sex those partners are, the emotions are real and intense. Desire. It's a funny thing. I think it stems from the parts of ourselves that aren't fully evolved yet. It's our basic sense of wanting what we see. Desire isn't only sexual. You can desire a new care, house, pet, job, etc. But where desire transgresses what we've come to understand as acceptable, is in the bedroom. The truth here; feeding that desire only makes you hungrier. Once you feel that hunger, it overwhelms you. Your body is on fire, your mind is fuzzy and you stay in a constant state of arousal. What does it all mean? It means we're sexual creatures and even when we attempt to deny ourselves that pleasure, it haunts us. You body wants what is wants and who are you to say no? It is important to understand that passion and desire aren't the same thing. Desire is the spark inside of YOU, while passion is the sparks SHARED. True, unbridled passion is raw, almost as painful as it is pleasurable, which is what makes it so addicting. Passion is the lifeblood of amazing sex and a truly epic love. What does this mean to writers? It means we had better understand these concepts before writing a realistic love story. Women are not simple creatures, as portrayed in many romance novels throughout time. We are complex, beautiful and even a little crazy and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. To write a female character who is weak and codependent does little justice to our current positions in the world. Women are strong and sexual and very, very capable and shouldn't be seen as objects or playthings. Their partners should compliment strengths and weaknesses without compromising themselves and the characters deserve a chance to act this out as they would in the real world. The point? The more realistic the characters, the easier it will be for readers to relate. They know when you're not into it, so don't try to write about these complex emotions without being prepared to tap into that very private part of yourself. It's raw, it's painful, but it's absolutely the most satisfying. Lisa xoxoxo |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024