Good evening and welcome to the show! But seriously, I hope your weekend was great. I've been doing boring mom things, but they are necessary considering I am a mom. Otherwise it might be kind of weird. But I digress.
I decided to do something today. I decided to put my entire catalog of books on Amazon exclusively and Kindle Unlimited! I had previously only released new books through Amazon, but in recent months my traffic, sales, and downloads have consistently come from one place, Amazon. Logically, it just made more sense right now to have more control over my books and allow them to be available to the right people. For the time being, folks who read on devices other than Amazon will not have access to my current works, but currently I had minimal activity on expanded markets. Unfortunately, I have to go where the people are and that is Amazon. I don't mean to exclude any readers. If I get a lot of requests for my books to be listed on other platforms, I will reevaluate. Until then, Kindle it is! I managed to run a successful Beta Reader search on Instagram last week and lined up some folks I'm fairly excited about work with for the future! Currently, I'm working on Blood Promise, the next installment of Legacy of Secrets. I plan to publish this by Spring, so keep an eye out for the preorder announcement!! Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter where you'll get this info before anyone else as well as special sales and freebies not found anywhere else! Thanks for sticking with me!! xoxoxo Lisa
Alas, here I am, several weeks/months later and I'm still stuck in a reading rut. Somehow, I've managed to download several different types of books, only to be utterly disinterested by the end of the first chapter. I just haven't found that book that's pulled me in and transformed my world. It's annoying and something I've been having a hard time kicking. Perhaps the worst part is the fact that the lack of reading material has stunted my writing goals. I have a book I've been trying to finish for MONTHS and part of the problem is that my head just isn't in it as it should be. Damn this chaotic mind!
So here I sit, trying to muster up the story that has been knocking at the back of my brain for the better part of the last year. I've outlined some parts, flash written others, to no avail. I've even had one of my betas read through it because I feel so disconnected, I wasn't even sure if anything I've written has made sense. I need a saving grace, here. In the meantime, there are other books available for everyone to read, including the newest Falling Undercover novel. I've decided to continue that story as part of The Undercover Series and I've already gotten parts of the next book hashed out. It will be an interesting journey for me as this series is my first attempt at contemporary romance/romantic suspense. It seems I have a bit of a knack for it, so I think while the story has a good direction, I'll continue. I have another potential story along the same type of genre lines, I just don't know much about it just yet. Maybe I can do a stand alone for once! WATTPAD UPDATE: This year, I will begin a story/novel for Wattpad only. I have my PA working on some info for me to get started, and I'm pretty excited! I'm thinking maybe a witchy read with some real world elements and lore as well as the typical fantasy ones we know and love. I hope to have this started by the summer. I will definitely keep everyone posted on that, but in the meantime, head over to follow me on Wattpad for updates when I post new stories, etc. Lastly, don't forget to follow me on social media! I'm much more active on Instagram than any of the others, but feel free to follow me everywhere! Head over to find out where you can find me on the web... |
AuthorI'm a writer, a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. My journey as a published author is in full swing and I'm inviting all my friends along for the ride! Archives
December 2024